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Home > Rice > Recipe of Lamb tripe with rice

Recipe of Lamb tripe with rice

Recipe of Lamb tripe with rice

Today I will show you how to prepare Lamb tripe with Rice, a recipe that is easy to prepare and that many of us love because of its great original flavor.

You can accompany it with rice as I said and with fine herbs to taste.

Also called Mondongo

6 Servings
1 min Preparation
2 min Cooking


  • A set of Mondongo
  • 1 cup rice
  • 1 cup chickpeas
  • 1 piece of hot or sweet sausage
  • 1/2 cup spearmint
  • For cleaning, one or two lemons and coarse salt
  • 1 ham bone

Join me and let's see how to make Lamb tripe with rice


    Step 1
  • The mondongo currently comes very clean from the butcher shop but I like to give it a review in the next step I explain how I do it and if you are not interested go to the next step
  • Step 2
  • CLEANING: we open the stomachs and cut them into pieces that we can handle, we sprinkle them with fat salt and rub with the lemon on both sides, we do the same with the legs, once we clean everything we rinse it enough so that it is not too salty and cut into pieces
  • Step 3
  • WITHOUT CLEANING: we make strips about 2 fingers wide and then cut them into squares of 2 fingers as well
  • Step 4
  • We put the pieces, the chickpeas that we have previously had 12 hours soaked with water and a little salt, the chorizo cut into slices and the ham bone (we reserve the legs for now)
  • Step 5
  • Put everything to cook with 5 fingers of water on top of the ingredients, defoam and wait for it to boil. Once it does, lower it to low heat and cover until the chickpeas are done (if you use them in a jar, let them cook for 1:30 hours and add them at the end)
  • Step 6
  • When it's done, add coloring, try salt, add the rice and peppermint, the legs and let it cook until the rice is done (add 2 glasses of water to make sure it's warm) and that's it
  • Step 7
  • It is a dish with very little fat, only the fat provided by chorizo and ham, you can accompany it with a false zarangollo for which I also have the recipe uploaded

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