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Recipe of Cold vegetable and cherry salad

Recipe of Cold vegetable and cherry salad

Today I will show you how to prepare cold vegetable and cherry salad, it's an easy recipe to accompany any dish.

In addition to its fruity touch of cherries that will be a treat for your palate.

4 Servings
15 min Preparation
10 min Cooking


  • 100 grams long rice
  • 1 whole unpeeled garlic clove
  • 100 grams frozen peas
  • 100 grams frozen sliced round green beans
  • 100 grams of canned chickpeas
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 1 small can of cooked corn
  • 100 grams cherries
  • Soy sauce or Ponzu sauce (soy, orange, lemon and vinegar)

Join me and let's see how to make Cold vegetable and cherry salad


    Step 1
  • In a pot with plenty of water and salt, cook the rice with the garlic. Once cooked, remove the rice with the skimmer and in its place we put the chickpeas (washed and drained), the green beans, the peas and cook for just 4 more minutes.
  • Step 2
  • Wash under the tap and drain everything: the rice, the chickpeas, the green beans, the peas, the contents of the can of corn and the cherries
  • Step 3
  • Once everything is well drained, pour it into the serving dish and season it with soy sauce or Ponzu sauce if you prefer. Stir and serve cold

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