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Recipe of Pasta salad with tuna and spinach

Recipe of Pasta salad with tuna and spinach

Today we want to introduce you to a delicious and healthy tuna salad. We will teach you how to prepare pasta salad with tuna and spinach, a unique dish that you cannot miss. This dish is prepared with completely natural and, of course, nutritious ingredients. We recommend that you accompany this salad with a good tomato dish filled with chicken pasta

4 Servings
20 min Preparation
15 min Cooking


  • 200 gr. of pasta.
  • 50 gr. of assorted lettuce.
  • 50 gr. of spinach.
  • 100 gr. of tuna.
  • 20 gr. of raisins.
  • 1 clove of garlic.
  • Vinegar.
  • Olive oil.
  • Salt.

Join me and let's see how to make Pasta salad with tuna and spinach


    Step 1
  • First, the pasta is cooked al dente for a few minutes. After that, it is drained and placed in a bowl where it is allowed to rest. The next step is to clean the spinach, lettuce and chopped tomato. Everything is poured together with the pasta and some pieces of tuna are placed on top.
  • Step 2
  • Then you have to chop some garlic and in a pan sauté it together with the raisins until it is all golden brown. It is removed from the pan, allowed to cool and add the vinegar and a few more raisins. With this, a light sauce will be ready that will have to be added to the pasta bowl.

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