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Recipe of Homemade tomato sauce

Recipe of Homemade tomato sauce

There is nothing like preparing homemade tomato sauce, there is no more day left when you crave delicious noodles or fresh noodles, and you don't have tomato sauce to accompany them, at those times a delicious homemade tomato sauce is unparalleled and will help you satisfy your craving quickly, being homemade you are sure that it has no added chemicals or preservatives and is 100% natural, special for your whole family.

4 Servings
5 min Preparation
25 min Cooking


  • 3-4 Tomatoes
  • Cebolla
  • Sal

Join me and let's see how to make Homemade tomato sauce


    Step 1
  • Chop the tomatoes, the onion into feathers and place it on a baking sheet. You can put a piece of bell pepper if you like its flavor
  • Step 2
  • Add some salt and leave it in the oven for 25 minutes (the time depends on the amount of tomato you put in it)
  • Step 3
  • After spending time in the oven, I waited for it to cool down and blended it in the blender
  • Step 4
  • Now it's ready to store in the freezer or consume

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