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Recipe of Chocolate milkshake

Recipe of Chocolate milkshake

Refreshing, sweet and creamy is the texture of the chocolate milkshake, a cool drink to drink on those hot days, share with friends and take a dip in the pool in the middle of the afternoon. It's simple, fast and delicious, try it and leave us your comments, don't forget to share it on your

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1 Servings
2 min Preparation


  • 400 ml of whole milk
  • 1 natural yogurt
  • 75 grams of milk chocolate
  • 75 grams of white chocolate
  • Ice

Join me and let's see how to make Chocolate milkshake


    Step 1
  • Cut the chocolates into small pieces, add them to the blender or processor.
  • Step 2
  • Add the very cold milk to the glass and then add the natural yogurt, sweetened or not, whichever you prefer. Blend everything until you get a creamy mixture.
  • Step 3
  • Pour it over a glass and serve, add crushed ice if desired.

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