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Home > Tortillas > Recipe of Carrot omelet with parsley

Recipe of Carrot omelet with parsley

Recipe of Carrot omelet with parsley

How to prepare a delicious carrot omelet? This rich and easy recipe can be accompanied with anything we want, from salads to rice or puddings. This preparation is great for a low-calorie, naturist plan. Vegetable tortillas are always a good option when it comes to diets and it is also very important to know that it helps us not to lose food that we have in the refrigerator. If you see that something is already getting old, we can use it to make a delicious tortilla, whether it be vegetables, potatoes, rice and even noodles! You just have to let your imagination run wild, nothing a beaten egg can't put together, cheer up!

4 Servings
20 min Preparation
15 min Cooking


  • 5 medium carrots, peeled and grated
  • 1 onion in brunoise
  • 3 eggs
  • Parsley in chiffonade
  • Sal
  • Pimienta
  • Olive oil

Join me and let's see how to make Carrot omelet with parsley


    Step 1
  • As a first step, in a frying pan we cook the onion cut in brunoise, seasoning to taste. We pick up and reserve.
  • Step 2
  • In a bowl, beat the egg whites until they are stiff, then add the yolks.
  • Step 3
  • Then, in a separate bowl, combine the carrot, parsley and onion, adding to this the egg shake, integrate well and adjust the flavor.
  • Step 4
  • We heat a pan with olive oil and add our preparation, cook for about five minutes, we check, and when the edges are golden and it is not stuck to the pan, with the help of a plate or lid, we turn around. We finished cooking and that's it!
  • Step 5
  • We can serve with salads and/or a favorite carbohydrate, and enjoy!

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