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Home > Tortillas > Recipe of Traditional potato omelet.

Recipe of Traditional potato omelet.

Recipe of Traditional potato omelet.

We want a quick, fresh and healthy breakfast with the family, I'm going to tell you how to prepare a delicious traditional potato omelet.

If you want, you can add a little bit of oregano and fresh coriander leaves, without missing a good cup of coffee with milk.

4 Servings
30 min Cooking


  • 3 medium sized potatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 4 eggs
  • Aove

Join me and let's see how to make Traditional potato omelet.


    Step 1
  • 1 hour before starting to prepare our tortilla, we must peel the potatoes and cut them into julienne strips, and then immerse them in water and leave them for about 3 quarters of an hour or 60 minutes. This is done to remove the starch that comes naturally from them.
  • Step 2
  • When we are going to start, we must heat a frying pan with the bottom of oil and then put the onions that we have peeled and also cut into julienne, we leave them on medium heat until they are pounded.
  • Step 3
  • When the onions are almost ready, strain the onions, and dry them with a large cloth, taking care that they do not come out, and when they are more or less dry, we throw them into the pan with the onions and put the pan on medium-low heat. Then we will have to wait until the potatoes are very soft, almost like porridge. They usually take 30 min +/- to be done.
  • Step 4
  • When they are well done, we will put the contents of the pan in a colander, so that it will release oil, for about 5 minutes, and when it is ready, we will beat 4 eggs and integrate the potatoes and onions with the eggs.
  • Step 5
  • Then we'll have to put the mixture in a hot pan and make the tortilla the way we know it: when it's ready on one side, put the dish on top, turn around and put the tortilla back in the pan. And let's enjoy!

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