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Recipe of Wheat tortilla

Recipe of Wheat tortilla

Today I will show you how to prepare Wheat Tortilla, they are super easy to make and to fill with what we like the most.

For example, a delicious shredded chicken, ham and cheese or vegetables to taste.

8 Servings
35 min Preparation
5 min Cooking


  • 210 grs flour
  • 100 ml hot water
  • 2 tbsp of marigold oil
  • A pinch of salt

Join me and let's see how to make Wheat tortilla


    Step 1
  • Mix all the ingredients in a bowl until a homogeneous dough forms and that everything peels off the edges. Let it rest, covered with a cloth, for 25 minutes. Then divide into 8 equal parts.
  • Step 2
  • Form 8 balls and cover with film. Rest for 10 more minutes. Then we crushed them with our hands a little and began to beat them until they stretched very thinly, as much as possible.
  • Step 3
  • Heat a non-stick pan and cook the tortillas one by one. You will start to see some bubbles that emerge above, you wait a few seconds and turn it around. They are very quick to make. That way, you cook all of them. Every time you take one out, wet it with your hands, then you can mount the next one on top of it, which is also moistened, and you cover them with a damp cloth. This is so that they don't get crispy. And that's it, some nice, delicious and quick tortillas that you can make with whatever you want.

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