Recipe of Fat-free roasted chicken

Recipe of Fat-free roasted chicken

Today we are going to show you a delicious dish that is completely healthy and fat-free. We will teach you how to prepare roasted chicken without fat, a unique and healthy dish that everyone can enjoy. The base of this dish is chicken, which is roasted, in such a way that it is possible to prepare a delicious and at the same time healthy dish, since it has no fat. This dish is high in healthy proteins, perfect for home athletes. You can accompany this dish with a delicious lentil salad


Servings 4
Preparation 45 min
Cooking 30 min
Calories 190 kcal

How to Make Fat-free roasted chicken


    Step 1
  • We prepare the chicken by removing all the skins and any visible bits of fat and we chop it, separating the thighs from the thighs.
  • Step 2
  • Put the apple juice in a saucepan -if you have a cocotte, it will be perfect- and heat it over medium heat (7/12) with the lid on for 2 or 3 minutes, season the chicken pieces and add them to the pot when the juice is about to boil. If you like to see the salt in your food, you can add a pinch of salt to the juice, but don't overdo it because it will reduce a lot and could be very salty.
  • Step 3
  • Cover the pot, lower the heat a little (4/12) and let it cook for 30 minutes, turning the pieces over in the middle of cooking. After 30 minutes, the juice will start to have a very appealing golden color.
  • Step 4
  • We increase the heat a little (6-7/12) -so that the “chup-chup” is maintained - and let it cook for another half hour with the pot uncovered, turning the pieces over from time to time so that the juice is reduced and thickened.
  • Step 5
  • For the last 15 minutes you have to watch it often because if it runs out of liquid it would end up sticking.
  • Step 6
  • We can serve the pieces with some aromatic herbs such as chopped parsley or chives and the reduced sauce separately.


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