Recipe of Chard puree

Recipe of Chard puree

Let's see how to prepare Chard Puree a recipe that is easy and quick to prepare, this is a variety of puree that you are going to love, we are sure that you will want to prepare this recipe for puree again, something important to know, is that chard is a very nutritious food that provides us with excellent properties for our body, such as calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin C, vitamin E and some vitamin A, among the benefits of chard with this chard puree, is helping to lose weight, strengthen bones, avoid constipation and combat anemia, what better preparation than this to take care of and protect us, so it's time to go to the recipe

Preparation10 min
Cooking10 min
Calories192 kcal

How to Make Chard puree


    Step 1
  • Put the chard in a pot, pour boiling water into it and let it sit until it cools down.
  • Step 2
  • Then you drain and shred them. Book for later.
  • Step 3
  • With the potatoes already cooked, add a spoonful of butter, cream cheese, chard, salt, pepper and start grinding and mixing with a mixer or masher.
  • Step 4
  • You will have a delicious green puree to accompany with whatever you want 😋


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